Types of CI Engines

The CI engines are available in three flavours: On-premise, Hosted (cloud based) and hybrid CI engines. We'll have a look at each type of CI engine one by one. On-premise CI Engines On-premise engines can be deployed on corporate servers. Entire engine and the slaves are within corporate network, protected by firewalls. This type of setup is suitable for large corporations or security-obsessed institutions. Advantages : Being deployed on company servers, only one time charges for licenses/software need to be paid. It offers options of web interface as well as command line interface. It can work with public as well as private repositories. It also offer complete control over configuration and usage, as per requirements. Disadvantages : Being in-house, requires provisions for resources, maintenance and upgrades etc. Hosted CI Engines Cloud hosted engines are the CI engines provided by third party companies as a service, which provide all the infrastructure to be readil...