IoT: are we grasping it or groping at it?

Some time ago I was passively listening to a discussion at my office about making our office building "smart" as part of the IoT initiative. It was an interesting discussion. People were discussing everything about data - what kind of data will be available, how much, the database used to store it, data mining, finding out patterns and trends etc. etc. However, none of them was interested or even curious about knowing or discussing about the "things"! Well, it was of little surprise to me as these days this can be seen almost everywhere. The use of acronym "IoT" has become very fashionable. Almost every company wants their product to be "smart" and "IoT ready" in someway or other. But the question is do we really understand or want to understand what IoT really means or are we just trying to rip benefits from the current hype about IoT? IoT is internet of "things" like sensors, actuators etc. So the hardware is an in...