Book Review: Indian Culture and India's Future by Michel Danino

The book "Indian Culture and India's Future" by Michel Danino is a self-contained masterpiece which every literate Indian should read. I have never seen such a candid, precise and all-round analysis of current Indian affairs and the state of India. The book is arranged into three sections. First section puts forth - with proof - the India before any of the invasions. It presents the contributions and gifts of India in the fields like science and technology, philosophy, industry, arts and crafts, medicine, spirituality and also touches upon other aspects of Indian culture - tolerance, peace and accommodating nature. The second section it presents the picture of India after being invaded by Muslims and then by European nations and missionaries. It explains how traditional Indian systems of education, manufacturing and economy were deliberately and systematically choked and killed, how India was slain and drained economically, and how for centuries it was preached that th...