Common Git Tips

Obtain list of commits git reflog --oneline git log --oneline These commands will also print commit ID - a.k.a. commit hash. Obtain list of branches created by a user git for-each-ref --format=' %(authorname) %09 %(refname)' --sort=authorname | grep <username> Obtain branch hash git show-ref branch_name Delete a local/remote branch Assume that a branch "bugfix/114355" is created to fix a bug. To delete the local branch: git branch -d bugfix/114355 git branch -D bugfix/114355 '-D' is same as specifying "--delete --force" . To remove the remote branch as well: git push origin --delete bugfix/114355 Undo last commit git reset --soft HEAD~1 Roll back repo to a commit To roll-back the repository to a particular commit, follow these steps. find the hash corresponding to the particular commit by checking the commit logs: git log --oneline roll back the repository by resetting the HEAD pointer: git reset --hard <commit_hash> Remove the latest co...